On Wednesday, August 29, the MS/HS will be handing out student packets, schedules, and Chromebooks during the Open House from 4:00 - 6:30 pm. Student packets can be picked up in the cafeteria. Parents must have the packets before they can pick up Chromebooks.
about 6 years ago, Chris Koopman
Anyone recognize these #HSDGoTigers? #TBT
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Throwback Thursday
"When the working day is done, girls just wanna have fun!" Here are some great moments from the 2018 Fine Arts Concert where they're performing the classic Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Now that is how you have a great time on stage! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
2018 Fine Arts Concert
2018 Fine Arts Concert
The first day of Band Camp was a raging success! We are blessed to have such talented musicians! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
1st Day of Band Camp 2018
1st Day of Band Camp 2018
Who is ready for another great Gridiron Get Together?! This year we will be showing one of the classics, The Sandlot! The show will start at dusk (around 8:30 or 9) and we're offering FREE root beer floats and popcorn. We can't wait to see everyone! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Gridiron Get Together 2018
The music dept is sponsoring a FUN NIGHT for students signed up/planning on being in band and/or choir for the 2018-2019 school year! These events are to help us get to know one another and promote team building that will help with our ensembles throughout the school year! #HSDGoTigers #FunNight
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Music Department Fun Nights
Last week the School District of Hillsboro’s Board of Education unanimously approved two referendum resolutions. In the upcoming weeks, we will be sharing more information about this November 6 Referendum. Superintendent Curt Bisarek and Board President Jason Oetzman will be hosting informational coffee socials at Holvy’s Cafe. The first social is scheduled for tomorrow, August 21, at 7:15 am. We encourage anyone to stop by and learn more! Can't make this one? There will be two more coffee socials on September 7 and October 2. We hope you see you there! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Chat with Leadership
With school right around the corner, here is a reminder of passing rules regarding a stopped school bus in Wisconsin. ALL lanes of traffic must stop for a stopped school bus! This applies both to vehicles approaching from the rear and from the opposing lanes unless the opposing lanes of a highway are divided with a center median. Let's keep our #HSDGoTigers safe!
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Bus safety
The easiest way to someone's heart is through their stomach! These #HSDGoTigers loved spending time in the kitchen this summer!
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Summer School 2018
Summer School 2018
Summer School 2018
Help us welcome Nancy Schaller to our #HSDGoTigers team as an administrative assistant! Nancy is originally from Mauston, WI and her hobbies include watching sports, especially the Packers, Badgers and Brewers, she loves going for long walks and spending time with her family. When asked why she is looking forward to working in Hillsboro, this is what she said: "I like the small, close-knit atmosphere of this school. There is also a real sense of teamwork. Everyone is working towards the same goal - wanting the best for the students, their families and the community!" Welcome Nancy, we are so excited to have you!
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
New Staff--Nancy Schaller
ATTENTION | The football game tomorrow, August 17th, versus Riverdale has been canceled due to illness among the Riverdale team. We'll keep everyone updated if the game is rescheduled! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
FB vs. Riverdale canceled
Who is ready for some football?! #TBT #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
The Hillsboro School Board recognized this year's retirees, Tom Schraufnagel and Karen Theis, with benches made by one of Mr. Schraufnagel's former students, Ethan Hagi (Hagi Woodworks). What a wonderful way to thank these amazing educators for their hard work and dedication to our District and students! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Mr. Shraufnagel and Mrs. Theis
REMINDER | Marching Band Camp is Monday, August 20 - Thursday, August 23. Drumline should report to the band room from 8-9am and all HS band students should report at 9am. Camp will conclude at noon each day. Drink plenty of water the weekend before! See you soon Tigers! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Band Camp 2018
Correction made on the Events page. There is a 9th grade orientation on the 29th during the open house, not a 7th grade orientation. Sorry for the confusion.
about 6 years ago, Chris Koopman
There will be FREE root beer floats served during THIS Friday's home football game, August 17! Be sure to get there early and grab yours! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Free Root Beer Floats
Time to plan ahead! School pictures will be taken Friday, September 14 and re-takes will be Friday, October 12. #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Picture Day 2018
Don't be afraid to show your Tiger stripes! #MotivationalMonday #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Motivational Monday
#HSDGoTigers are having a blast during summer school! These students are learning sign language and how to play the guitar. Way to go Tigers!
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Summer School sign language
Learning to play guitar
Ms. S has been working hard on the new art room! We can already feel the creativity flowing! #HSDGoTigers
about 6 years ago, Curt Bisarek
Ms. S Art Room update
Ms. S Art Room update
Ms. S Art Room update